Bohdan Yarema - Blog

  • React Native Activity Tracking

    Hello and welcome! Today we will look into activity tracking. What do I mean by that? Well, for some apps you might want to log the user out or at least lock the app till pin is entered if the user was inactive for a set period of time, say 10 minutes. While there isn’t a universal solution to this there are a few simple ones that will work for a lot of applications.

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  • Sticky Component in React with hooks

    Hello and welcome to another How-To!

    Today we will talk about sticky elements for web pages written in React.
    By sticky elements I mean something that is displayed on the screen and remains in the same spot when we scroll. We will create one as a functional component using React hooks which can show any other component as a sticky header.
    The same principles can also be used for React Native with little modifications of the code.

    You are just here to copy the working solution and paste it in your code? Here you go!

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  • Javascript Throttling

    Hello everyone! This post will be about a parallel computing trick I had to use.

    So I needed to limit the number of requests which are fired towards a third party API at the same time because of low threshold for DDoS there. Requests were sent from several places but both written in typescript so that is what I am going to use here.

    Here is the final function if you just want to copy and paste this for typescript:

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